Cultural heritage is preserved in national traditions, sacral objects and archaeological remains and etno manifestations. National traditions are mainly connected to religious events.
The specialty of the place are numerous active schools or fraternities and sororities. Each one has its flag which is carried in processions on the day of the saint or patron of a certain fraternity. The fraternity by school is transferred from father to son or from grandfather to grandson and sororities from mother-in-law to daughter-in-law. They were created from the need of mutual aid and in the tradition of brothership and reciprocity.
Male fraternities are: School St. Roka, School St. Ivana, School St. Juština and School of souls in purgatory, and the female are: School of Mary's Heart, School of Jesus's Heart, School of Lady of Ružarija and School of St. Lucija.
Each place has its religious festival which has been carried out for many years. This is a chance to guest and entertain family, friends and every guest that day.
In Pakoštane – the festival of the Ascension of the Lord, or Crosses or Ascension, is marked 40 days after Easter.
In Drage is the festival of St. Ante, and is on June 13.
In Vrana is the festival of St. Nediljica and is on the first Sunday in July and the festival of St. Mihovil whiic is on September 29.
In Vrgada is the festival of the Holy Trinity and is carried out depending on Easter.
Crkvine is an archaeological site in the area of Vransko Lake Nature Park, where excavations of the church of St. Mary (around the year 800 during the time of Prince Branimir) were found. The location is along the road that leads from Pakoštane to Vrana.
A votive sanctuary in Vrani dedicated to the early Christian martyr St. Nediljica. The Feast of St. Nediljica is celebrated on the first Sunday in July when numerous believers pilgrimage and devoted themselves to St. Nediljica.
It is a medieval fortress, the remains of the old town of Vrana, which from the 11th to the 14th century was the seat of great religious and secular power, and thus the Croatian royal crown and other treasures were preserved in it. The location is near Mašković han. The visit to Gradina will allow you, at least for a moment, to become part of the remains of the Gothic church of St. Catherine and the main defense tower of this fort.
Han Jusuf Mašković, built as a mansion and residence of the Turkish Army Commander, is the largest monument of Turkish construction in Croatia and the most spacious building of Ottoman architecture in the area of the former Turkish Empire. With funds from the European Union, the hotel has been renovated so today it fulfills its original purpose (14 rooms, 2 suites, reception, restaurant, souvenir shop, administrative building, museum, even 1 wellness ...).
It celebrated its first 100 years in 2006. The three-nave church was built on the remains of an old church. It has six altars. The main altar has a magnificent altarpiece of the Ascension and the tabernacle. The feast of the Lord’s Ascension is celebrated 40 days after Easter, and in Pakoštane there is a local festival on that day.
Is located on the islet of the same name. It was built in 1794 on the remains of an old church along an old cemetery. Mass is celebrated in the church twice a year (All Saints, St. Justin), and in summer it is a part of cultural events.
The church dates back to the 9th century and is located in the local cemetery in Pocrikva bay. Legend says that the sea at that place gave the wooden statue of St. Andrew, who was a Byzantine saint, so the people of Vrgada made a church in honor of the Vrgada saint, and placed the statue on the altar. Stl Andrija today is a patron of fishermen in Vrgada.
The only fully preserved building in the Count’s palace (Damiani summer house). The chapel contains the image of Our Lady of the Child with a legend about the powers of the Mother of God. Namely, Damiani tried to leave Vrgada with his family, carrying the picture with him. A strong wind prevented him twice, and only the third time, when he left the picture in the church, did he manage to leave the island.
Sunken ship (Galleass) is from ancient times and is located along the islet Babuljaš. It is a witness of the far history of Pakoštane and the way of life at that time. It is assumed that the ship was 20-meters long and found in the area of North Africa. Among the finds, there are amphorae for olive oil and fish processed goods and luxury dishes.